09-01-2020, 16:19
(09-01-2020, 00:34)and escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.Version 0.3
Modified the engine in order to create xls instead xlsx
fixed one bug
Added Minor Radio Button (if minor or national team check this radio button)
Better graphic
Hi and, we are slowly approaching the perfect version. Create XLS instead XLSX is very helpful, 'minor' also work very well, but in this last version date of birth appears ##### in the Excel file and today's date in the editor. 'Media' still random for players with a market value higher than 1 million. When your script generate a 'minor', the players have no nationality and passport, and there is always the problem of the date of birth.
Another important aspect I hadn't noticed before, so I can't tell you if it was also present in the first version: for all attacker players that not are centre forward, their main role for your script is Midfielder (for example Dembélé and Messi).