Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - Versión para impresión

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Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 05-01-2020

Automatic Scraper to retrive data in Trasfermarkt

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Enjoy  good.gif
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####To Do####

Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - Pablinho - 05-01-2020

Great work! This is something that I wanted to do since long time ago

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RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - titu - 05-01-2020

¿Esto facilitaría la labor a la hora de crear bases de datos de jugadores en el PC Futbol?

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 05-01-2020

yes sure

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - olmazabal - 06-01-2020

Hi and, the script is wonderful and saves a lot of time, I just tested it. However, it should be perfected because some errors are made when entering players data in the editor. First error, date of birth: in the editor, today's date always appears instead of the real date of birth of the players correctly reported in the Excel file.
Second error, nationality and passport: in the editor, XXX always appears instead of the real nationality and passaport of the players correctly reported in the Excel file.
Third error, jersey number: in the editor, 1 always appears instead of the real jersey number of the players correctly reported in the Excel file.
Finally, the 'media' of all players is random and does not coincide with the value of the player based on the market value in our table here No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.
I hope there is a chance to correct these errors, because your script is really useful and allows us to edit the teams in a short time

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 06-01-2020

Thanks for giving me a feedback

Seems all of them are excel values errors, i ll verify that the excel generated is creating the same values accepted by the editor

Regarding the Media, the script was based on the table "valor mercado" "media" .  I ll verify anyway

EDIT : unfortunately i m not able to use the editor in order to verify 
When i use 
>>Importar Excel
Nothing appears

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 07-01-2020

(05-01-2020, 23:34)titudeante escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.¿Esto facilitaría la labor a la hora de crear bases de datos de jugadores en el PC Futbol?

(06-01-2020, 06:17)olmazabal escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.Hi and, the script is wonderful and saves a lot of time, I just tested it. However, it should be perfected because some errors are made when entering players data in the editor. First error, date of birth: in the editor, today's date always appears instead of the real date of birth of the players correctly reported in the Excel file.
Second error, nationality and passport: in the editor, XXX always appears instead of the real nationality and passaport of the players correctly reported in the Excel file.
Third error, jersey number: in the editor, 1 always appears instead of the real jersey number of the players correctly reported in the Excel file.
Finally, the 'media' of all players is random and does not coincide with the value of the player based on the market value in our table here  No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.
I hope there is a chance to correct these errors, because your script is really useful and allows us to edit the teams in a short time

HI unfortunately , i cannot use the editor for some reason , anyway i changed the datatype for the results , please check once the 0.2 version will be released 

1) date of birth : should be fixed
2) nationality and passport : to verify 
3) jersey :should be fixed 

taking for example this guy 
[Imagen: g6DikBS.png]
 according the table it should have 52 
[Imagen: xG6hyui.png]
the excel file is showing the right number 
[Imagen: ridFssz.png]

anyway i changed also for media the DATATYPE  in order to identify if the editor change the value because of different datatype

RELEASED V02 - Check the first message

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - olmazabal - 07-01-2020

Hi mate, I just tested it. Date of birth and Jersey number now they are correct, but nationality and passport XXX still appears. Media: still random for players with a market value higher than 1 million. I tested it with the same team of yesterday (Persepolis, Iran). However I think that you cannot use the editor because it does not support XSLX format, but only XLS format (old version of Microsoft Excel): for this reason, when your script is able to generate the excel file, first I must convert it to XLS and then allow the Pablinho editor to generate the players.
I would like to ask you something else, if it is possible: I would also like to include the players of the minor national teams in the new database and then insert them among the free agents. I tried to follow the same procedure with your script, but it cannot generate the excel file for the national teams, tested with both Nicaragua and Bhutan. Is it possible to solve it?

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 07-01-2020

Can you please send me the URL of minors

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - olmazabal - 07-01-2020

(07-01-2020, 07:39)and escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.Can you please send me the URL of minors

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RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 07-01-2020

A new row "club" appears, this is creating a problem for national teams and minor

I ll modify the script.

May i ask you the last pcf revolution updated db(should be 2015/2016??)

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - olmazabal - 07-01-2020

(07-01-2020, 08:14)and escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.A new row "club" appears, this is creating a problem for national teams and minor

I ll modify the script.

May i ask you the last pcf revolution updated db(should be 2015/2016??)

You can download PCF Revolution 2015/2016 from here (first post) No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.

Direct link to download PCF Rev 2015/16  No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - popo87 - 07-01-2020

Thank you for this great work!

RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - Mikimelo - 07-01-2020

Hi. First of all, thank you very much, this looks amazing. I was watching the video and reading yoyr posts and i would like to ask you If the "media" value that the script asigns (that I guess it's done based on the table used for pcf revolution) can be modified. For my edition I use a different table to asign the Media based on Transfermarkt values.


RE: Trasfermkt Scraper for PCF working Beta - and - 09-01-2020

Version 0.3

Modified the engine in order to create xls instead xlsx
fixed one bug
Added Minor Radio Button (if minor or national team check this radio button)
Better graphic