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Premier Manager 99 [UK]

Hola Amigo's/Amiga's

I am Joe, I am from England. In 1999 Gremlin Interactive released Premier Manager 99, it was the greatest football manager game ever. It made CM 00/01 look very poor. Even FM13 is nowhere near PM99. Anyway, after reading and investigation, it turns out that PM99 (as we know it) is a straight port of PC Futbol 6 with English teams. This was the only forum I could find with details of PC Futbol 6, so I was just looking for some advice. I am hoping to edit it and modernize it to 2014 teams.

Is there an editor?
Does the Minimize/Maximize bug still exist?
Can you change photos? Strips? Or just numeric/string data?
Can you alter league rosters?

Thank you

Google Translate (Spanish)
Hola Amigo / Amiga

Yo soy Joe, soy de Inglaterra. En 1999 Gremlin Interactiva lanzó Premier Manager 99, fue el mejor juego de entrenador de fútbol nunca. Hizo CM 00/01 se ven muy pobres. Incluso FM13 es ni de lejos PM99. De todos modos, después de la lectura y la investigación, resulta que el PM99 (tal como la conocemos) es un port directo de PC Futbol 6 con equipos ingleses. Este era el único foro que pude encontrar con los detalles de PC Futbol 6, por lo que sólo estaba buscando un consejo. Tengo la esperanza de editarlo y modernizar a 2014 equipos.

¿Hay un editor?
¿Continúa el bug Minimizar / Maximizar?
¿Puede cambiar fotos? Tiras? O simplemente numérico / datos de la cadena?
¿Se puede modificar listas de liga?



We haven't an editor for PC Fútbol 6. There is one way to edit, by hexadecimal. I don't know if someone has some kind of tutorial. Some months ago I started developing an editor, but due to a lack of time it is not finished yet.


We haven't an editor for PC Fútbol 6. There is one way to edit, by hexadecimal. I don't know if someone has some kind of tutorial. Some months ago I started developing an editor, but due to a lack of time it is not finished yet.

It is possible to change photos and each graphic on the game, but I don't know how. Surely someone can help you better than me.

Yes, we can alter roster by hexadecimal too

I am looking into the hex edits. I am a java programmer, if I get chance, I'll work them out and see if I can put together an editor. Just looking into which files need editing currently :)

Sorry to interrupt, but I'm looking for a way to update Premier Manager 97! I'd even be willing to pay if somebody was able to do it!

Siento interrumpir, pero estoy buscando una manera de actualizar Premier Manager 97! Yo incluso estaría dispuesto a pagar si alguien era capaz de hacerlo!

No hace falta pagar, vete a mi fileserve y en Material.rar te enseña como se hace.

El editor tienes q retrasar el calendario de windows al año 2010 y una vez abierto el editor, el calendario lo pones al año actual.

Premier manager 97 es compatible con los archivos de Pc fútbol 5.

Saludos y espero haber sido de gran ayuda.

(22-06-2013, 15:59)Tronic escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.No hace falta pagar, vete a mi fileserve y en Material.rar te enseña como se hace.

El editor tienes q retrasar el calendario de windows al año 2010 y una vez abierto el editor, el calendario lo pones al año actual.

Premier manager 97 es compatible con los archivos de Pc fútbol 5.

Saludos y espero haber sido de gran ayuda.

Hi Tronic, thanks for your help. The problem is that every instruction I have found is in Spanish and it is very difficult for me to translate to English! Which is why I am willing to pay somebody!

Tronic Hola, gracias por su ayuda. El problema es que todas las instrucciones que he encontrado es en español y es muy difícil para mí a traducir al Inglés! Es por eso que estoy dispuesto a pagar a alguien!

tampoco es tan difícil, usa el traductor de google y el word reference

(22-06-2013, 20:21)Himpy escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.
(22-06-2013, 15:59)Tronic escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.No hace falta pagar, vete a mi fileserve y en Material.rar te enseña como se hace.

El editor tienes q retrasar el calendario de windows al año 2010 y una vez abierto el editor, el calendario lo pones al año actual.

Premier manager 97 es compatible con los archivos de Pc fútbol 5.

Saludos y espero haber sido de gran ayuda.

Hi Tronic, thanks for your help. The problem is that every instruction I have found is in Spanish and it is very difficult for me to translate to English! Which is why I am willing to pay somebody!

Tronic Hola, gracias por su ayuda. El problema es que todas las instrucciones que he encontrado es en español y es muy difícil para mí a traducir al Inglés! Es por eso que estoy dispuesto a pagar a alguien!

if you PM me I'll write you a simple step by step. It's not too hard, it's just... strange. Premier Manager 97 is a lot easier than Premier Manager 99 which is what I'm developing an editor for.

Let me know. :onion-head01:

(27-06-2013, 14:53)skezza escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.
(22-06-2013, 20:21)Himpy escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.
(22-06-2013, 15:59)Tronic escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.No hace falta pagar, vete a mi fileserve y en Material.rar te enseña como se hace.

El editor tienes q retrasar el calendario de windows al año 2010 y una vez abierto el editor, el calendario lo pones al año actual.

Premier manager 97 es compatible con los archivos de Pc fútbol 5.

Saludos y espero haber sido de gran ayuda.

Hi Tronic, thanks for your help. The problem is that every instruction I have found is in Spanish and it is very difficult for me to translate to English! Which is why I am willing to pay somebody!

Tronic Hola, gracias por su ayuda. El problema es que todas las instrucciones que he encontrado es en español y es muy difícil para mí a traducir al Inglés! Es por eso que estoy dispuesto a pagar a alguien!

if you PM me I'll write you a simple step by step. It's not too hard, it's just... strange. Premier Manager 97 is a lot easier than Premier Manager 99 which is what I'm developing an editor for.

Let me know. :onion-head01:

That would be brilliant, thanks! PM sent.

Hola! Gracias por compartir información que usted! ¿Qué es esto?

Hello Joe my friend! I share your opinion that Premier Manager 99 is the best game ever and I also play it for years. I lost hope that game can be improved until I found out it is an English version of PC Futbol series. Until I found out about it I manage to make some improvements thanks to Spanish guys who love the game and work on it. I found out that you can change the flags and some small things very easily without any bugs. So I will tell you what I improved in PM 99:
1. Cardiff City small kit- when you click on some player of Cardiff you'll see some crapy yellow kit. Also in Results. To change this go to folder Premier Manager 99, then folder DBDAT and there create a folder called ridiesc. In that folder put this attached file that I created.
2. Flags of Macedonia and Bosnia are incorrect and flags of Malawi and Burundi missing- Go to Premier Manager 99, then folder DBDAT and there create a folder called miniband. In that folder you need to put .bmp images 14x10 (it seems that I can not attach more then 1 file per message so I will attach it later). The key part is names of the files (images) as every county have their own code. So, for Macedonia the name of file should be ba960039, Bosnia ba960009, Malawi ba960168 and Burundi ba960137. That's all I've changed for now.
I played the other versions of the game but Premier Manager 99 is still by far number 1 for me. Main differences would be much more realistic results. For example in PC Futbol 7 and Calcio 7 you do not play better at home then away (on the end of the season you have about the same number of loses both home and away). PC Futbol Argentina 6 is yet a story to tell- I played with Tigre in 1st League and 70% of the games ended 0:0 while other being my narrow wins with a few loses... On the end of the season I consided just 2 or 3 goals in like 40 matches and also played in Copa Liberadores for 4 seasons without considing a goal ever :D Also, on match screen you have 2 or 3 players with yellow cards on half time but when you go to line up it showes that they have been sent off :D In PC Futbol 6 results are slightly better but font is very bad, can't make new bars, cafes and restaurants in catering, etc.
Sorry for long post but this is a first time on the net that someone mentioned Premier Manager 99 so I must say a few words after years of playing and loving that game :) All the best mate, I hope you are still on the forum :)

Archivos adjuntos
.bmp eq960372.bmp Tamaño: 1,46 KB  Descargas: 53

(07-06-2013, 13:19)skezza escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.Hola Amigo's/Amiga's

I am Joe, I am from England. In 1999 Gremlin Interactive released Premier Manager 99, it was the greatest football manager game ever. It made CM 00/01 look very poor. Even FM13 is nowhere near PM99. Anyway, after reading and investigation, it turns out that PM99 (as we know it) is a straight port of PC Futbol 6 with English teams. This was the only forum I could find with details of PC Futbol 6, so I was just looking for some advice. I am hoping to edit it and modernize it to 2014 teams.

Is there an editor?
Does the Minimize/Maximize bug still exist?
Can you change photos? Strips? Or just numeric/string data?
Can you alter league rosters?

Thank you

Google Translate (Spanish)
Hola Amigo / Amiga

Yo soy Joe, soy de Inglaterra. En 1999 Gremlin Interactiva lanzó Premier Manager 99, fue el mejor juego de entrenador de fútbol nunca. Hizo CM 00/01 se ven muy pobres. Incluso FM13 es ni de lejos PM99. De todos modos, después de la lectura y la investigación, resulta que el PM99 (tal como la conocemos) es un port directo de PC Futbol 6 con equipos ingleses. Este era el único foro que pude encontrar con los detalles de PC Futbol 6, por lo que sólo estaba buscando un consejo. Tengo la esperanza de editarlo y modernizar a 2014 equipos.

¿Hay un editor?
¿Continúa el bug Minimizar / Maximizar?
¿Puede cambiar fotos? Tiras? O simplemente numérico / datos de la cadena?
¿Se puede modificar listas de liga?


Hi Joe, Premier Manager 99 is relatively similar to PC Football 60, so it is not possible to develop an editor that is compatible for Premier Manager 99 and Football 60 PC.
As for the bug Minimize / Maximize if continuous, but you can play both small or small screen not both at once.
Regarding the issue of Premier Manager 99, is a mix between PC Football 60 and PC Football 70, so I recommend you also visit the subforum PC Football 70, and I also recommend, you get the Hex Workshop and the character map for the PC edition of football, so you can know the structure of Premier Manager 99 and can arm the editor.
As for image editing in Premier Manager 99, you can not remove them easily because they have been modified, however you can use the images of PC Football 60 also the same pointers teams remain.
Regarding PC database Premier Football Manager 60 and 99 are different.
The database Soccer 60 PC is in a single file EQ022022.PKF.
The database for Premier Manager 99, is found in three different files, EQ98030.FDI (Equipment), ENT98030.FDI (Coaches) and JUG98030.FDI (Players)
As to the issue of players, as I was looking at has this structure:
Pointer 2 bytes.
Dorsal: 1 byte
Number of characters in the short name: 1 byte
Byte 00.
Short name
Number of characters of the long name: 1 byte
Byte 00
Number of characters of the long name
2 Byte, (I know its function)
Parameters: 6 bytes
Nationality: 1 byte
Skin: 1 byte
Hair Color: 1 byte
Position: 1 byte
Date of birth: 4 bytes, day (1 byte), month (1 byte), year (2 bytes)
Height: 1 byte
Weight: 1 byte
Comments: Only in the Premiership.
Parameters: (10 bytes), one for each parameter.
I hope I've helped a bit with the matter at issue.

PC Fútbol (Liga Argentina)

Hello guys Im a big fan of the game and i need some help. If you can help me great!
Has ever anyone finished a database editor. Is it possible to change tactics a lineup for all other league because they are all messed up

Nearly 10 years on, and I'm having another go at this. I got relatively far but abandoned my efforts last time. Fresh eyes on this, so currently just trying to pull whatever material I can together.

(08-04-2023, 21:07)Skezza2 escribió: No puedes ver enlaces como invitado. Regístrate o conectate para verlo.Nearly 10 years on, and I'm having another go at this. I got relatively far but abandoned my efforts last time. Fresh eyes on this, so currently just trying to pull whatever material I can together.

Great! Let us know if you succeed.
It was my favorite football manager game during those years.

Salto de foro:

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