Mensajes: 58
Temas: 4
Registro en: Feb 2010
Lugar: Alghero, Catalunya
Entrenador: José Mourinho
Jugador: Diego Alberto Milito
Hi everybody
I’m looking for that editor that I suppose is by Marchi. EPCF, with orange interface, to be clear.
Since .fdi files from PCF7 are named in the same way of Seleccion Espanola 2000 .fdi, I would like to edit them with all possibilities.
Thank you in advance
Mensajes: 11.014
Temas: 71
Registro en: Aug 2008
Lugar: Madrid
We don’t got it. There is an editor for PCF 7 but it is not the Marchi’s one. If you want to edit that files may be mine’s works if you change the files’ name
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Mensajes: 58
Temas: 4
Registro en: Feb 2010
Lugar: Alghero, Catalunya
Entrenador: José Mourinho
Jugador: Diego Alberto Milito
I tried to change names, it works except for equipos file. I’d like to change Yugoslavia’s name to Serbija
Mensajes: 11.014
Temas: 71
Registro en: Aug 2008
Lugar: Madrid
That file should be different between games. If rest of files works you can try hex workshop for teams
Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk
Mensajes: 58
Temas: 4
Registro en: Feb 2010
Lugar: Alghero, Catalunya
Entrenador: José Mourinho
Jugador: Diego Alberto Milito